
2023-03-21 15:56 来源:中国商务网






  Altay birch forest: Altay birch forest is located in a place with clear water and white sand. It has the shadow of the south of the Yangtze River, but it is the beauty of the northwest


  Baluntai Grassland: the beauty of mysterious and vigorous wilderness

  巴音沟上的山:沟上的山不见树木,也不见雄伟,但却像蕴含着无限的力量,静而不发,山脚下沟水缓缓 ,一种似北方也似南方的景色

  Mountain on Bayin Valley: there are no trees or majestic mountains on the valley, but they seem to contain infinite power, quiet but not hair. At the foot of the mountain, the ditch water is slow, a scenery similar to the north and the south

  高昌古国·交河故城 : 千年泥建筑存在着,已风化成各种形象的大雕塑,站在湛蓝的天底下,我怀古凭吊

  Gaochang ancient country · Jiaohe Ancient City: there are Millennium mud buildings, which have been weathered into large sculptures of various images. Standing under the blue sky, I miss the past


  Gongnaiduan scenery: the northwest of Xinjiang is the pasture of Tianshan Mountain, and sheep are like pearls scattered on the ground


  Hanas immortal Bay: the scenery is elegant, peaceful and quiet. It's really the scene of immortals

  和县巴伦台南 :绿树苍郁蕴含着生命力,高原印象之二

  Balun Tainan, he County: green trees contain vitality, which is the second impression of the plateau


  Populus euphratica: the golden Populus euphratica in Korla in autumn is struggling in the dry place. It has fallen to the ground for 3000 years and is not rotten. It is called a living fossil of plants


  Chrysanthemum Terrace: it is already a frozen world. The ground is a little ice melting, like a beautiful carpet. Glancing at the bushes like steps, you can see the ethereal snow mountains in the distance


  Kuqa: outside the oil field in the distance, there are misty clouds and scattered houses among green trees


  Great desert (karamakan): the endless sand stretches across the sky, and sand dikes are built in the desert

  觅 :新疆大地,绿野映碧空,高坡上牛在自由觅食,画也活了

  Looking for: the land of Xinjiang, green fields reflect the blue sky, cattle are foraging freely on high slopes, and the painting is alive


  Tianhu water swing: there is a pool of clear water on the high mountain of Tianchi, Xinjiang, and the mountain is alive


